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Re: doll

Sex dolls should not just be a toy for sex but also represent people's beautiful imagination for their soulmates. No one should feel ashamed or embarrassed about buying it. In this era of freedom and liberation, everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness and joy without violation of the law and public order.

We are a professional website for physical sex dolls, offering a wide range of TPE dolls and silicone dolls with high quality and exquisite realism. Our irisdoll team is familiar with every production process and technology of our dolls, fully understand the market demand, and always maintain a rigorous attitude and active exploration spirit in this field, while staying open and innovative. Our team includes both experienced executives and energetic young people. The combination of mature experience and new ideas gave birth to Irisdoll.com.

[9896] Lee (2024/04/17 Wed 15:30) mail

  1. [9895] セックス・ドールは単にセックスのためのおもちゃではなく、ソウルメイトに対する人々の美しい想像力を表すものであるべきだ。誰もそれを買うことを恥ずかしく思ったり、恥ずかしいと思ったりすべきではない。この自由と解放の時代では、誰もが法律や公序良俗に違反することなく、自分の幸せと喜びを追求する権利を持っています。


    Lee 2024/04/17 15:28
    1. [9896] Sex dolls should not just be a toy for sex but also represent people's beautiful imagination for their soulmates. No one should feel ashamed or embarrassed about buying it. In this era of freedom and liberation, everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness and joy without violation of the law and public order.

      We are a professional website for physical sex dolls, offering a wide range of TPE dolls and silicone dolls with high quality and exquisite realism. Our irisdoll team is familiar with every production process and technology of our dolls, fully understand the market demand, and always maintain a rigorous attitude and active exploration spirit in this field, while staying open and innovative. Our team includes both experienced executives and energetic young people. The combination of mature experience and new ideas gave birth to Irisdoll.com.
      Re: doll
      Lee 2024/04/17 15:30

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